Have you ever wished you could remember all the essential information you come across via reading or other forms of media?
Tiago Forte popularised a concept called the Second Brain, which can act as our personal assistant, magically revealing the correct information at the right time.
In this summary, you'll learn how having a second brain helps and how to build and use one effectively.
Let's start with:
The Importance of Organised Notetaking
We're living in an age of information overload.
Each day we're bombarded with seemingly infinite information from our devices, our colleagues and the world around us.
While not everything we read, see or hear might be helpful to us, there's a ton of valuable information hidden under the rubble that can help us in the future.
I've learnt more than 90% of what I know browsing the web.
And, since it's almost impossible to remember every piece of knowledge you come across, you need a system that captures these pieces of data or thoughts in an organised manner.
A searchable system gets you the right piece of data whenever and wherever you need it.
Thus, comes the second brain into the picture.
With an established habit of regular notetaking and organising, you can create a treasure trove of information that'll help you:
- Come up with unique ideas on the fly
- Solve problems that others can't seem to figure out
With the advent of intelligent digital devices, it has become easier to collect, update and access a personal knowledgebase anytime and anywhere.
Capturing Ideas and Resources
Ideas are all around us.
And you can tap into this vast pool of floating ideas in the following forms: