Summary Notebook

The Book of Ichigo Ichie

The Book of Ichigo Ichie

by Héctor García & Francesc Miralles

4 min read

Ichigo Ichie talks about the rarity and uniqueness of each moment in our life.

Every moment is unique and will never be repeated.

And when we’re constantly in a hustle mode, we’re missing out on these beautiful events that are happening around us.

Take time now and then to slow down and be immersed in your surroundings.

Pay more attention to the people in front of you because who knows if you’re going to get another chance at having a meaningful interaction with them.

Live in the present.

Kaika and Mankai

Have you ever had a moment when something around you triggered an idea?

Maybe it was an idea for a business, a blog post, a painting, music, and things like that.

This is what is referred to as a Kaika.

A sudden inspiration.

Every idea for Hulry has come to me as sudden inspirations.

Even falling in love is a Kaika moment. Some quality in the other person creates a spark of attraction and affection in you.

And when you nurture an idea or a budding love and give it time and effort, it blooms into a developed product or a matured relationship.

This is called Mankai.

Ikigai + Kaika + Time = Mankai
