Summary Notebook

The Defining Decade

The Defining Decade

by Meg Jay

8 min read

Your 20s are when you go from a crafted world of childhood and college to the real world of challenges.

Here's how you can shape the rest of your life with some constructive actions in your 20s:

Your Identity Capital

Building an identity capital early in your career can be fruitful for connecting the dots later.

What’s identity capital?

A collection of experiences, learning and people connections you build up while working at places that are related to what you want to have a career on.


If you want to be a software developer, doing even an unpaid internship at a tech startup can build more identity capital than working at a Starbucks for some quick money.

Forming Weak Ties

Weak ties are your connections outside your inner circle.

Be it a person you know at a company you want to work at. Or a random guy you met at a conference who ends up introducing you to a book publisher and gets your book on the market.

While your inner circle, your family and friends, will be your support system, your weak ties will help you grow and reach places.

I landed a job interview in Paris from an online acquaintance.

The most life-changing opportunities come outside your known circle — your weak ties.

Meet more people.

Finding Your Interests

What you want to do in life can seem like an overwhelming decision.

There are so many options. It’s like a vast ocean of choices.

You could go anywhere.

And although not making decision to go a particular direction seems safe and comforting at the moment, you’re only delaying the decision further. Not escaping it.


How to decide what you want to do?