Summary Notebook

The Gift of Imperfection

The Gift of Imperfection

by Brené Brown

10 min read

Trying to be perfect is probably the biggest mistake we make in any area of our lives — personal and professional.

Humans are not perfect. Nothing in nature is.

In this summary, we'll discuss how this tendency to aim for perfection develops and how we can overcome it to be more true to ourselves.

Let's start by understanding how:

Shame holds us back

Humans are complex beings, and no two humans are the same.

Even if two humans match from an external perspective, like twins, their internal characteristics, desires and goals are still different.

The best way to fan this flame of individuality and shine in this crowded world is to be authentic in front of others and true to our desires.

But shame prohibits that.

You might fancy a new hairstyle but never try it because you feel too ashamed. People at work or within your friend circle might make fun of you.

You might secretly want to be a photographer because you're thrilled with the power of freezing a moment in time at the press of a button, but you're too ashamed to put out your work in public. People might not like your photos.

You might want to start a business, but the fear of failure and the subsequent shaming stops you from taking the leap.

We feel inadequate and unlovable because we feel we don't have the perfect body or don't deserve to be loved and recognised.

Shame is a hidden emotion that is not only destructive but grows powerful the more we hide it.

When we keep these feelings of shame to ourselves, we turn shame into something bigger than what it actually is.

And to counter this hidden but growing feeling of shame, we tend to: