A collection of bite-sized life lessons from everyday stories and moments.
30 articles
It Was Gezellig
The Dutch feeling of gezellig is hard to explain but it is something well within our reach.
2 min read
What's the Worst That Could Happen?
Harnessing the age-old simple antidote to stress.
3 min read
Minimum Effort Start
When was the last time you didn't start something because it seemed too daunting?
3 min read
Okay, but why?
Before investing a significant amount of time and effort in something, start with the fundamental question.
2 min read
Let's Not Be Machines
Are you trying to be productive, or are you trying to be a machine?
3 min read
The Perils of Gamification
Apps that gamify our experience can lead us down the wrong path. Here's how I got out of it.
4 min read
The Exit Checklist
This 2-minute system will help you make sure you never leave anything behind.
4 min read
30 Things I Learned in 30 Years
Three decades' worth of life lessons and tips in a compact list.
5 min read
7 and 70
Tackling the most destructive question: What would people think?
3 min read
What's Your North Star?
Have trouble making the right choices? You need some north star principles in your life.
3 min read
Don't Be Nice
Niceness can be quickly taken advantage of by people around you. Here's what I do instead.
2 min read
A Healthier Alarm Clock
Do you use alarms to wake up every day? Here's a more sustainable approach that doesn't harm your health.
3 min read